Thursday 25 August 2016

Signs Your Child Needs to See an Optometrist

Eye exams are important for everybody. However, they are especially vital for children. Seeing an optometrist early on can really help your child see well at home and at school. Pay attention to the following signs that indicate your kid might benefit from a trip to the eye doctor’s.

Holding Books Closely / Sitting Close to a Television

Your child might not be sitting close to a T.V. because he or she is so engrossed in cartoons. The same is true for books. If your child needs to be close to something to read or see properly, then there might be an issue with eyesight.

Drop in Grades

Having difficulty reading a blackboard or reading any textbooks can lead to drops in grades. If your child was otherwise doing fine, and now there are problems with school performance, then it might be due to the fact that your child is having problems seeing properly.


Squinting is sometimes just a bad habit. Other times, it is a vision problem that needs to be addressed. Squinting often can also lead to headaches, so if your child is complaining of frequent headaches, then look into a possible cause.

Sometimes these symptoms are just bad habits that need to be corrected. However, it never hurts to see an eye doctor just in case. Visit this website to find a pediatric optometrist in Chula Vista.

Tuesday 23 August 2016

Tips to Making Sure You Have Great Vision While Still Working for an Office

Many people work at offices, often spending eight hours a day looking at a computer screen. While this advancement in technology has been great, it can cause some issues with workers’ eyesight. Here are a few tricks for keeping your eyes feeling great while at the office.

Take Breaks

Staring at a computer screen for hours at a time is not doing anyone any favors. Take quick breaks throughout the days to give your eyes a chance to rest. It is recommended that you give yourself a 20-second break for every 20 minutes of work.

Keep Monitor Bright

Take a look at the brightness settings on your computer. A bright screen is recommended because it reduces the flicker rate, lowering your chances of getting a headache or experiencing intense eyestrain.

Do Not Forget to Blink

This tip might seem odd because you blink without even thinking about it. However, when staring at computer screens, many people do not blink as often. Failing to blink can result in dryness and redness, so every so often, pay attention to how often you are actually blinking.

With a few steps, you can work in your office without damaging your vision. In the event you do require computer vision treatment in Chula Vista, go to this website.

The ‘art’ of the optical deal

While attending the recent ASCRS/ASOA conference in New Orleans, my wife more

Tips to Care for Your Eyes after Glaucoma Treatment

Glaucoma is common, and optometrists have various methods for treating it. Many times, surgery can be done to restore vision. Pill medication is another method in which eye doctors can treat this condition. After you get your glaucoma treatment, there are a few things to bear in mind for caring for your eyes afterward.

Eye Drops

Having eye drops is one of the best ways to ensure that your vision does not get cloudy again. Your optometrist will likely prescribe some for you to take so that you end up seeing fine. Make sure you follow the instructions for your eye drops exactly as they are given. Your prescription will tell you how many drops you should take at any given time, and you do not want to take any more than that.

See an Optometrist Regularly

Many people fail to see an eye doctor as often as recommended. After you have been treated with glaucoma, you do not want to wait years to see an optometrist again. You should schedule your next appointment soon after your treatment so that a professional can inspect your vision again and see if anything else needs to be done.

With the proper treatment, anyone with glaucoma can see great once again. If you require glaucoma treatment in La Mesa, then go to this website right away.

Things You Can Do To Help Your Cataracts

Cataracts are a common vision issue many people develop. They generally occur when individuals get older, and their eyesight gets cloudier. Fortunately, certain things can be done in order to help you see well with cataracts.

Good Eyewear

Many people with cataracts can see perfectly fine with the proper glasses. Seeing an optometrist and getting fitted for the exact magnification required can really do wonders. Other visual aids can also be a great assistance.


Millions of Americans get cataract surgery every year. As far as surgeries go, it is one of the simplest and least painful to get. Most people find that after surgery, their vision will become 20/40, and in many instances, it can sometimes be restored to perfect 20/20.

Prevention Through Diet

If you are worried about getting cataracts and want to avoid them entirely, then stick with a healthy diet. Getting the proper vitamins, including vitamin E, zeaxanthin and lutein can drastically decrease your likelihood of developing cataracts. The best foods for these nutrients are spinach, almonds, kale and sunflower seeds.

To catch any cataracts before they get worse, you should schedule a time to see an optometrist once a year. These visits can give you peace of mind and the knowledge of what needs to be done to aid your vision. Visit this website in case you need cataract treatment in El Cajon.

All about Pink Eye

Pink Eye, also known as conjunctivitis, is a highly contagious inflammation of the eyes, which causes them to swell, redden and ooze. There are natural remedies to solve cure pink eye and precautions to take, but mostly, time will heal the eye.

The Benefits of a Vision Exam

Eye exams need to be scheduled once a year. Many people fail to schedule them that often, which is unfortunate because they are missing out on some vital benefits.

Check for Diseases That Are Otherwise Asymptomatic

A lot of issues can come up with your vision that you might be unaware of. Many people wait to see an optometrist until their vision is blurry or other problems develop. The problem here is that the disease has already progressed to an advanced stage at this point. With routine exams, your eyes get checked out so that you know something is developing before it gets out of hand.

Help Children in School

Adults need to see their optometrists often, but it is equally important for kids to get routine visits as well. The reason is that children may have trouble reading books and blackboards if problems start happening with their vision. Your kids might not say something, so schedule regular appointments so that any issues can be detected earlier rather than later.

Eye exams once a year is generally recommended. However, some people with exceptionally good vision might be able to get away with visits once every two years. Regardless, you should see an optometrist often. To schedule your next vision exam in La Mesa, go to this website.

Wednesday 17 August 2016

5 Signs You Should See an Optician

The eyes are one of the most powerful of the five senses. Therefore it is important to make sure that they are working at optimal performance. It is important to know when you need to see an optician. It is recommended that you get a regular eye exam at least once a year or if your experience any of the following symptoms.

•    Blurred Vision. If you find that your vision is blurry at objects close to you, you may be farsighted. If you have trouble seeing object at a distance, you may be nearsighted.

•    Squinting. Adjusting the lids of your eyes to keep objects in focus is a sign that you should schedule an eye exam.

•    Sensitivity to Light. If you find that you have trouble adjusting to changes in lighting, it is time to schedule an appointment.

•    Headaches. Eye issues and eye strain often lead to constant headaches.

•    Floaters. Floaters or any other obstruction in your vision could indicate a more serious problem and should be attended to right away.

Your eyesight is something you should take seriously. Along with regular eye exams, you should monitor any changes in your vision. For an appointment with an optician in Carlsbad, visit this site.

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It’s All About Choice

You don’t wear the same clothes every day, so why should you be stuck wearing same old glasses every day? The finicky fashion guru can be just as picky with what frames to wear and not have to break the bank.